We are doing really well in Denmark.
I'm not pale for shouting it out loud because I've seen (read about my upbringing right here), what it means to not have the opportunity for education, to be subject because you are a woman, or excluded from the labor market because you come from the wrong caste - what it means to live in an unequal country with unequal opportunities. Far from the world and the country we know best.
With MicMic, I can not save the whole world, but I can take an active part in the changes I want to see. I believe that we must take responsibility for our less privileged fellow human beings and the land we live on, if we have the opportunity. A responsibility that disadvantaged people want us to commit to.
Therefore, have made a virtue out of finding the right, and responsible suppliers. I work with female-owned production facilities (workshops), vulnerable people and factories that are certified. With this, I want to help people with poor conditions and limited opportunities.
You can read about my partners in Ethiopia right here, and in India right here.
At MicMic, I combine Danish design and quality with consideration for people and the environment.
The products are partly designed in a small apartment on Amager and partly in dingy hotel rooms in developing countries such as Cambodia and Sri Lanka. They are created far from the catwalk, far from the high-end shops and fashion magazines - but close to my heart and everyday life.
The choice of leather and designs is also inspired by the raw Nordic nature; the biting cold beaches, the flat landscape and huge trees on an afternoon in December. MicMic is also inspired by the leather traditions that have existed for many hundreds of years.
All designs are timeless and practical, and I hope they are recognized for their high quality and functionality, longevity and exciting history.
I hope an item from MicMic becomes your new favorite. That you want to help change a small part of the way we consume.
At sælge holdbare læderprodukter, der bidrager til at etablere flere og bedre arbejdspladser i sårbare og ulige områder – og derved skabe en varig og stabil indkomst for flere udsatte mennesker.
I believe in the results that benefit and benefit everyone in the production chain.
At leve i en verden, hvor produkter skabes, og bidrager til at overkomme ulighed og fattigdom gennem uddannelse, kreativitet og meningsfyldt arbejde.