Et åbent bleomslag
Et fyldt bleomslag i læder
Her ses tasken rummelighed

How glad I am that you have ended up here.
You may be a little confused - because, why is the diaper bag called MiniMic and why is it on MicMic's website?

I have chosen that the diaper bag here should be under the brand MiniMic, as I think that the target group and communication varies too much compared to MicMic. Since the MiniMic diaper bag is also designed by me, I will sell it here at until it gets its own website.

However, the MiniMic already has its very own Instagram, where all updates will take place. You can follow it right here.


It sounds like a cliché, but I've always loved small children - in fact, ever since I was a child myself.
In particular, I can not stand at all for all the fine "equipment" available for families with children.
Therefore, it was obvious to me to move in this direction.

Although I love exploring the many smart solutions, I also find many things unnecessary - in fact, they often complicate everyday life, rather than making it easier and more manageable.
This applies to the pram cushion, the bath thermometer, shoes for babies who can not walk and not least the big diaper bag!

For me, things in a diaper bag often end up in a big mess, where I still can not find what I need when the baby needs to be changed on the go or in the stroller.
And what's more stressful than a screaming baby and a pacifier that has disappeared in the bottom of the bag?


I therefore wanted to design a bag that could contribute to a more manageable, functional and simple time with baby.
The result was this bag: a mix of a diaper bag, diaper clutch and a diaper wrap.
The cover can open all the way up, so you have easy access to the content. There are large compartments for diapers, napkins, clothes, etc. as well as two compartments with zippers for smaller things. In addition, the pacifier can be attached to the inner button.

I have chosen to design the bag with an adjustable, detachable strap.
With the strap on, it can, in addition to hanging over your shoulder, also hang on the stroller handlebars - if you choose to remove the strap instead, it can be placed under the stroller without filling.


The diaper bag is sewn in eco-friendly leather. This means that the leather is tanned without the use of chemicals such as chromium and azo dyes. You can read much more about that right here.

When used, the leather will get marks that quickly turn into a nice patina. It's a natural effect, and simply reflects your family's unique history and your memories.

click right here or on the pictures to buy the bag.